Wednesday, July 31, 2019

On the way


That may not look very exciting but I'm pretty pleased nonetheless. I've rewritten my fractal-generating routine in C++. For the most part it was fairly straightforward - much more so than writing the original from scratch - and as expected it's satisfyingly fast, taking approximately 1/5 seconds to generate. I've rebuilt the structure of Undiscovered Worlds in C++ using SFML for the graphical interface etc., which makes for a (to me) pleasingly old-school look. The fractal routine is the first bit of actual world-building I've reprogrammed. Obviously there's an awful lot more stuff to put in before it comes close to what I've got in the original version, even just at the world map level, but I'm happy that it seems to be working so far.

I won't keep posting all the updates I make that are just recreations of what I already have, as that doesn't sound enormously interesting, but I'm hoping to make some reasonable progress behind the scenes.


  1. If you are porting to C++ I would suggest also adding vcs while you are at it. It would be awesome to look at your code and tinker with it. Plus having something like git would allow you to backtrack and figure out which feature exactly introduced a specific bug. Knowing that will probably make it a lot easier to debug some of your procedural stuff. So even if you don't want to publish your code (yet?) consider creating a private GitHub project.
