Sunday, September 8, 2024

Alpha update

Since the program is now running in a mostly stable way, I decided this might be a good time to update the code on github. It's definitely not ready for a proper release so I've not uploaded a built executable, but some people might like to have a look at how it's working. So consider this a sort of alpha preview.

It's uploaded here. The previous version of Undiscovered Worlds, with flat maps, is now Undiscovered Worlds Classic and can be found here, including the executable and instructions.

You don't get the jazzed-up GUI though, because those are changes I've made directly to the ImGui code, so I can't really upload them as part of this project.


  1. Hi there, just stumbled upon your blog while looking for procedural generation inspiration. Just wanted to say I love the work so far and I'm looking forward to your next steps

    1. Thank you! I haven't posted much recently but work does continue...

  2. Hello, I am one of the devoted users of this tool.
    I have a question about this tool. Besides elevation and volcanoes, is there a way to specify climate?

    I am creating a fictional world, and the elevation and climate are already complete. Therefore, I would like to generate a satellite map that matches the existing climate.

    Although this is quite different from the project I am currently working on, I would appreciate your response.

    1. I'm glad you like it! Unfortunately that wouldn't really be possible with this app. The reason is that it calculates the climate based on elevation (among other things). The whole point of the custom worlds is for cases where people know what the elevation map looks like and they want to see what climates it would have. If you already have your elevation map *and* you know what climates you want everywhere, it would probably make more sense to create a map yourself in something like Inkarnate rather than using Undiscovered Worlds.
