It's been quite a while since the last update. This is partly because there has been even more RL than usual to deal with, and partly because creating regional-level detail on spherical planets is hard!
To recap, in the previous version of Undiscovered Worlds you could view a world map, and then click on a point on that map to bring up a regional map, in much higher detail. The program creates the regional map afresh every time you visit it, but procedurally, so it's always the same. This creates the illusion of a vast and highly detailed world. But of course only one regional map is displayed at any time.
With the new version, we want to display regional maps directly on the globe. So instead of having separate global and regional displays, we just have a single display that shows the global images if you're far away and the regional ones if you're zoomed in, fading neatly between them. This means displaying multiple regional images at a time, since the user might be only halfway zoomed in and therefore able to see several at once. It also means being able to dynamically create the regional images as the user moves around, ideally without any gaps or pauses.
Well, I've got the basics of the system up and running. Although the new regions are 2D, like the old ones, it's still quite a lot of work to translate the generation functions given that they're now extrapolating information from a 3D global map rather than a 2D one. Along the way I'm trying to refactor the functions to be as efficient as possible, since speed is now even more important than it was before. So far I've done just the basic elevation with mountains, and rainfall and temperature. No lakes or rivers or anything else fancy yet, but it's enough to give a pretty good idea of how it all works:
That's several regional areas all being displayed at once. Here's a video of the zoom (though it's a bit blurry!):
There are still a lot of bugs, as well as all of the other features to add, so it will be a while before this is done, but progress is being made!
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